Kevin, Cade and I are doing "The Big Race" as Cade calls it. It's very important to him and this race takes place at least 50 times a day - usually from one end of the house to the other. It goes like this: Cade says, "Osay. (He can make a 'k' sound but we have to remind him) On your maaarrrrk. Get seeeeet. (He takes off about now) Go!" And we run to the other side of the house or wherever the finish is trying to catch up to the little cheater.
Gotta catch snowflakes on your tongue. That's what snow is for.
At this point I was still trying to convice Cade it was OK to catch snowflakes on his tongue. I think he preferred to keep his face tucked in and warm.
Like all 3 year olds, Cade can't walk anywhere. Always running.
Cameron after a snowball fight.
Cameron is about to get his head dragged through the snow. You can tell he's terrified by that giant smile on his face. He was so traumatized he asked me to do it again several more times. The other two boys were tortured in the same way. Their giggles of pain were probably heard throughout the neighborhood.
Cade was asking Dana for help because he was having vision problems and instead of adjusting his hat, Dana grabbed the camera.
This was during out second outing later in the morning. By then the snow was excellent for packing and snowman building. Unfortunately, it was getting pretty thin by then.
All 5 of us had a hand in building this beautiful snowman. Dana was the one who got the whole thing started. Don't laugh. I told you the snow was getting pretty thin.
Mike & Dana
It looks like you really enjoyed the snow. Thanks for showing us some of it. It looks like you really enjoy the boys, it will create great momories for them.
I like the pictures on the top of your Blog, also.
Grandpa Earl & Grandma Lois
Mike & Dana
It looks like you really enjoyed the snow. Thanks for showing us some of it. It looks like you really enjoy the boys, it will create great momories for them.
I like the pictures on the top of your Blog, also.
Grandpa Earl & Grandma Lois
Lois wanted to be sure you got her comment.If you missed something in the first one you can catch in the second one. Ha Ha! Youcan tell we don't know how to make this thing work. Just a laugh note from Grandpa Earl.
These pictures are truly great! And I promise I didn't laugh at your measly snow (we have something like a foot or more NEW SNOW today - ugh!), but I DID laugh at your snowman! Quite a bit actually! I'm impressed though, and if I could send you some snow to make him last until July, I would surely send you all you could every want!
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