No pictures to show for it, but we're a little more than 1/2 way through the soccer season. Cameron's team still has 2 "wins" while Kevin's team is now 1-1-3. After tying 3 of the first 4 games, they finally lost a game this last weekend. Kevin was awfully upset because the goals the other team scored were on him but, truthfully, he only had a chance of stopping one of them. The other 2 were shot from the outside and Kevin's defense left him hanging out to dry both times. He didn't have much of a chance. The week before he had his best game as goalie with several diving catches and he even punched one over the top. Of course, I missed it all because Cameron had a game at the same time across town. Win or lose though, these games are much more fun to watch than most of his games last year (they were in a lower ranked division) when they were beating their opponents 9 or 10 to 0.
Baseball is also getting some momentum around here. Kevin's team moved from the Christian league to the city league (bleh). His games start next month. Cameron's team is moving up to machine pitch this year. We'll start those games in May. For now we don't seem to have any free time as something, either games or practice, is going on every day.
Last week, Kevin's class took a field trip to Carlsbad Caverns. Here are a couple of pictures from that trip.
Kevin and his friend Gustavo.
The entrance to the caverns. Right about the place where it starts to get dark is where a stupid bird pooped on me. I might have blended in with my white shirt and not been too noticeable if not for the fact that my shirt was BLACK! Of course, the kids thoought it was hilarious.
This was one of our favorite formations. I believe it is called the Whale's Mouth. Looks more like a shark to me.
Just a cool stalagmite that spirals upward.
Oops! I lied. I had to include one soccer picture of Cameron. Here's the story. My boy likes to take his shinguards off in the car because he says they bother him. To do that, he has to remove his socks and shoes too. Anyone that has or had any small boys knows they tend to leave things where they lie until you make them pick it up. When it was time to get ready for the game last week, Cameron's socks were nowhere to be found. I found one of them in the car. My theory is that he left them both in there and knocked one out in a parking lot somewhere without realizing it. So for the last 2 games, Cam has been playing with one black sock and one of Kevin's old orange socks. I doubt he'll learn his lesson.
Ok, on to Easter!
Generic picture of the boys coloring eggs.
The Easter Bunny gave Kevin some Tech Decks (miniature skateboards). I just noticed something. Dana will kill me for this, but take a look at my lovely wife. You can tell it's waaay too early in the morning for her.
Cameron got a Legos Star Wars set.
I didn't get a good picture, but Cade got a little dump truck with Legos.
Hunting for eggs. Cade was actually pretty good at finding the hidden eggs.
Mad dash to collect more than the brothers.
This has nothing to do with Easter but I like this picture of Cade showing his muscles.
Cade walking Abbey around the yard.